Saturday, August 30, 2014

Amaz Abs

Using Ab Slings.

Abdominal slings come in pairs, one for each arm. You hang them overhead, so you may need to stand on a stool or box to reach them. Ab slings feature durable webbing designed to hold your elbows and upper arms.The lifting of your lower body puts major overload on your ab muscles and core. The results can be impressive, with major increases in ab and core strength possible. Assuming your body fat is low enough, hanging ab exercise are one of the quickest ways to six pack abs.

Note : Your abs should be fairly strong before attempting the exercises . Also, if you have any issues with the health of your back, you should be very cautious. As with any exercise routine, you should consult with your doctor before starting.


1. Hanging Knee Raises

* Place your arms through both amaz abs Strap. You should be hanging suspended, with your hips bent at 90 degrees.
* If your abs and back are strong, you can let your legs hang down completely.
* Using your lower abs, slowly roll your knees up toward your chest, curling your pelvis toward your rib cage.
* Exhale at the top of the lift, pause at the top, then inhale while slowly lowering back to the starting position. Don't let your legs hang straight down.
* Most of the movement should occur in your abs, with your pelvis rotating upward. Just lifting your knees up and down changes the emphasis from your abs to your legs.
* Keep your upper body stationary. There should be no swing in your body at all.
* Go SLOW. Don't use leg swinging. Control the movement on the way up and down.
* Repeat for 1-3 sets of 8-15 reps.

2.Hanging Double Knee Alternating Twists

* Place your arms through the hanging amaz abs Straps. You should be suspended in the air with legs hanging down, knees slightly bent. Keep your head up, eyes looking straight ahead.
* Using your lower abs, slowly roll your knees up, while rotating to the right in a diagonal movement.
* Aim your knees for the your right shoulder.
* Pause at the top, then slowly lower back to the starting position.
* Repeat the movement with a rotation to the left. Continue alternating side to side.

Note: Exhale as your knees come up to the top, inhale on the way down.
        - Keep your upper body stationary. Don't be swinging in the straps.
        - Don't swing your legs up. Use a slow and controlled movement on the way up and      

3. Hanging Single Knee Alternating Twists

* Place your arms through the hanging amaz abs Straps. You should be suspended in the air with legs hanging down, knees slightly bent. Keep your head up, eyes looking straight ahead.
* Using your lower abs, slowly lift your left knee, aiming your knee up towards your right shoulder diagonally.
* Lift as high as you can, while keeping your upper body stationary.
* Pause at the top, then slowly lower back to the straight hanging starting position.
* Repeat the movement with your right knee, twisting toward your left shoulder.
* Each single leg movement counts as a rep (5-20).

Note : Keep your upper body stationary. There should be no swing in your body at all.
            Keep the non-lifting leg hanging straight down, pointing the toes.
            Don't use leg swinging. Control the movement on the way up and down.

4.Hanging Knee Wipers

* Place your arms through the hanging amaz abs Straps. You should be suspended in the air with legs hanging down, knees slightly bent. Keep your head up, eyes looking straight ahead.
* Using your lower abs, slowly roll your knees up toward your chest, curling your pelvis toward your rib cage, up to where your hips are bent at about 90 degrees.
* While holding your knees up in the air, move your knees over to the right, and then all the way back over to the left.
* Repeat the movement going back and forth like a Windshield wiper.
*Each single leg movement counts as a rep (5-15).

Note : Keep your upper body stationary. There should be no swing in your body at all.
             Don't use leg swinging. Control the movement as you go side-to-side.

5. Hanging Full Leg Raises

* Place your arms through both amaz abs Straps.You should be hangingsuspended, with your your legs hanging down completely.
* Using your lower abs, slowly lift your legs up toward your chest, keeping your legs straight but with knees slightly bent.
* Lift your legs all the way up, with your feet going to the level of your hands, in a full pike position.
* Exhale at the top of the lift, then inhale while slowly lowering back to the starting position.
* Each single leg movement counts as a rep (5-15).

Note : Do not attempt this exercise unless you are highly conditioned.
             Don't use leg swinging momentum and fling your legs up. If you have to do that you    aren't strong enough to be doing this exercise. Control the movement on the way up and down.
Buy Arm Blaster and AMAZ Abs

Thursday, August 14, 2014



Triceps Exercises

A large three-headed muscle running along the back of the upper arm and serving to extend the forearm.The triceps can be felt as the tense muscle in the back of the upper arm.

Lying Barbell Extensions

* Lie on your back on a flat bench with your head close to the end of the bench.
* Bring the bar up the top position which will be directly above your face,palms facing out and thumbs next to the fingers.
* lower the bar by bending at the elbows and while keeping the upper arm stationary. Keep lowering the bar until your forearms are perpendicular to the floor.
* Another variation of this exercise is to lower the bar down behind your head so it lightly touches the bench.

* Bring the bar back up to the starting position by pushing the bar up,Contract the triceps    
   hard at the top of the movement for second.
 * Repeat for 1-3 sets of 8-15 reps.

Close Grip Bench Press

* Lie back on a flat bench. Using a close grip , lift the bar from the      rack and hold it straight over you with your arms locked.
* Come down slowly until you feel the bar on your middle chest.
* Hold on in the position, bring the bar back to the starting position.    and push the bar using triceps muscles. Lock your arms in the  
   contracted position, hold for a second and then start coming down    slowly again.
* Repeat the movement for desired reps.
* Place the bar back in the rack when you are done.

Triceps Dumbbell Extensions

* Stand up with a dumbbell held by both hands. Your feet should be about shoulder width apart from each other. Slowly use both hands to grab the dumbbell and lift it over your head until both arms are fully extended.
* The resistance should be resting in the palms of your hands with your thumbs around it.The palm of the hands should be facing up towards the ceiling . 
* Keeping your upper arms close to your head with elbows in and perpendicular to the floor, lower the resistance in a semicircular motion behind your head until your forearms touch your biceps. The upper arms should remain stationary and only the forearms should move . 
* Go back to the starting position by using the triceps to raise the dumbbell .
* Repeat the movement for desired reps.

Triceps Push Downs

* Attach a straight or angled bar to a high pulley and grab   
  with an palms facing down at shoulder width.
* Standing straight and a very small inclination forward,   
   bring the upper arms close to your body and perpendicular     to the floor. The forearms should be pointing up towards the  pulley as they hold the bar.
* Using the triceps, bring the bar down until it touches the    
   front of your thighs and the arms are fully extended   
  perpendicular to the floor. The upper arms should always  remain stationary and only the forearms should move.
* Hold at the contracted position, bring the bar slowly up to the starting point.
* Repeat the movement for desired reps.

Triceps Dumbbell Kick Backs

*Set up for the triceps kickback by grabbing a flat  bench and sitting a dumbbell on the left hand side at one end.
*Position yourself on the left side of the bench with your right knee and right hand resting on the bench.
*Using a neutral grip, pick up the dumbbell with your left hand. Keep your back straight and   look forward.
* Tuck your left upper arm close to your body and bend at the elbow, forming a 90 degree   
  angle with your upper arm and forearm.This is the starting position.
* Moving only at the elbow, raise the dumbbell behind you until your arm is fully extended.
* Pause, and then lower the dumbbell back to the starting position.
* Repeat this movement for desired reps and then repeat using your right arm.

Triceps Bench Dips

* For this exercise you will need to place a bench behind your back. With the bench perpendicular to your body, and while looking away from it, hold on to the bench on its edge with the hands fully extended, separated at shoulder width. The legs will be extended forward, bent at the waist and perpendicular to your torso. This will be your starting 
* Slowly lower your body as you inhale by bending at the elbows until you lower yourself far
  enough to where there is an angle slightly smaller than 90 degrees between the upper arm     and the forearm.
* Keep the elbows as close as possible throughout the movement. Forearms should always
   be pointing down.
* Using your triceps to bring your torso up again, lift yourself back to the starting position
* Repeat this movement for desired reps.
Buy Arm Blaster and AMAZ Abs

Forearm Exercises

Barbell Wrist Curls

Standing Palms-Up Barbell Behind The Back Wrist Curl

* Stand straight and hold a barbell behind your glutes(Back) at arm's length ,palms will
   be facing away from your back and having your hands shoulder width apart from each
   other,while your feet are shoulder width apart from each other
* slowly rise the barbell up by curling your wrist in a semi-circular motion towards the
   ceiling. Your wrist should be the only body part moving for this exercise.
* Hold the contraction for a second and lower the barbell back down.
* Repeat this movement for desired reps.

Seated Palm-Up Barbell Wrist Curl

* Hold a barbell with both hands and your palms facing up.
* Place your feet flat on the floor, at a distance that is slightly wider than shoulder width apart.
* Place your forearms on top of your upper thighs with your palms up. Make sure that the front
   of the wrists lay on top of your knees.
* Lower the bar as far as possible and keeping a tight grip.
* Now curl bar up as high as possible while move the forearms.Hold the contraction at the top
  for a second ,Only the wrist should move.
* Repeat this movement for desired reps.

Dumbbell Wrist Curls

Seated Dumbbell Palms-Up Wrist Curl

* Sit down on the edge of the flat bench with your legs at about shoulder width apart. Make sure to  
   keep your feet on the floor.
* Use your arms to grab both of the dumbbells and bring them up so that your forearms are resting
   against your thighs with the palms of the hands facing up. Your wrists should be hanging over the
   edge of your thighs.
* Start out by curling your wrist upwards and Slowly lower your wrists back down to the
  starting position . Your forearms should be stationary as your wrist is the only movement
  needed to perform this exercise.
* Repeat for the recommended amount of repetitions.

Seated Dumbbell Palms-Down Wrist Curl

* Sit down on the edge of the flat bench with your legs at about shoulder width apart. Make sure to
   keep your feet on the floor.
* Use your arms to grab both of the dumbbells and bring them up so that your forearms are
   resting against your thighs with the palms of the hands facing down. Your wrists should be hanging    over the edge of your thighs.
* Start out by curling your wrist upwards and Slowly lower your wrists back down to the starting  
   position . Your forearms should be stationary as your wrist is the only movement needed to perform    this exercise.
* Repeat for the recommended amount of repetitions.
Buy Arm Blaster and AMAZ Abs

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Exercise Instructions

Exercise Instructions                                                                           

Arm Blaster , Abs Sling & Sand bag
Bisceps , ABS & Strength training

Incline Hammer Curl

* Set the bench at a 30-45 degree incline and sitting a pair of dumbbells at the end. The lower the incline, the more challenging the exercise will be so 30 degrees is preferred.
* Sit on the bench with dumbbells and lay back with your back flat on the padding
*Holding dumbbells with an neutral grip and palms facing in towards your body.
*Take up the slack in your arms by slightly bending them, as this will put tension on the biceps. This is the starting position for the exercise.
* Keeping your elbows fixed, slowly curl the dumbbells up as far as possible.
* Squeeze the biceps at the top of the movement, and then slowly lower the weights back to the starting position.
* Repeat for desired reps.


* Hold a dumbbell in each hand and lie back on an incline bench.
*The dumbbells should be at arm's length hanging at your sides and your palms should be
  facing out. This will be your starting position.
* While keeping your elbow straight, raise the dumbbells up towards your deltoids, contracting your biceps.
* After a second contraction at the top of the movement, start to inhale and slowly
lower the weights back to the starting position using the same path used to bring them up.
(At the top of the movement, your palms should be facing each other at your shoulders)
* Repeat for desired reps.


* Stand with feet hip-width apart, holding a dumbbell in your Right hand.
* Lunge back with your Right leg, so feet are about twice your shoulder-width apart, left toes facing forward, right toes turned slightly out to the side.
*Hinge forward from hips until back is almost parallel to floor. Rest left forearm on left thigh, and extend right arm down toward floor, directly under shoulder, palm facing forward.
*Bend right elbow to curl dumbbell up toward face, moving only your forearm, keeping everything else still. Stop when weight is about chin level, pause for a breath, then lower
*Do desired number of reps, switch sides and repeat the exercise.


* Start off standing with your feet shoulder width apart, your knees slightly bent and your abs drawn in.
*Hold barbell at the wide outer handle. The palm of your hands should be facing forward.
* Your feet should be firmly on the floor, about should width apart, slowly curl the weight up as far as possible.
* Raise the bar towards your chest till your forearms touch your chest, squeezing your bicep muscle.
* Pause for moment , and then slowly lower the weight back to the starting position.
* Repeat for as many reps .
Buy Arm Blaster and AMAZ Abs


* Stand up straight while holding an EZ curl bar at the wide outer handle. The palms of
  your hands should be facing forward and slightly tilted inward due to the shape of the bar.     
Keep your elbows close to your torso.
* While keeping your upper arms stationary, exhale and curl the weights forward while
   contracting the biceps. Focus on only moving your forearms.
* Continue to raise the weight until your biceps are fully contracted and the bar is at
  shoulder level. Hold the position for a moment and squeeze the biceps.
* slowly lower the bar back to the starting position.
* Repeat for the recommended amount of reps.


* Stand up straight and grab the barbell with your palms facing up shoulder-width apart. Keep your elbows tucked into your sides and elbows very slightly bent.
* While holding the upper arms stationary, curl the weights forward while contracting the biceps as you breathe out. (Only the forearms should move).
* Curl the barbell upwards by contracting the biceps. Keep your shoulders and upper arms stationary. The only joint movement should be in the elbow. Bring the barbell up until it is at about shoulder height and you can no longer move it upwards with your shoulders fixed in place.
* Continue the movement until your biceps are fully contracted , Hold the contracted position for a second and squeeze the biceps hard.
* Squeeze at the top of the movement and then slowly lower the barbell back to the starting position.
* Repeat for the desired number of reps.


* Stand up straight with a dumbbell in each hand at arm's length. Keep your elbows close
  and rotate the palms of your hands as facing forward.
* Keep the upper arms stationary, curl the weights while contracting your biceps. Continue  to raise the weights until your biceps are fully contracted and the dumbbells are at shoulder level. Hold the position for a brief pause as you squeeze your biceps.
* Slowly begin to lower the dumbbells back to the starting position.
* Repeat for the desired number of reps.
Buy Arm Blaster and AMAZ Abs


* Stand up with your body upright and a dumbbell on each hand being held at arms length.    The elbows should be close to the body.
* Turn the hands so that the palms face each other and squeeze the biceps to curl the weights towards the shoulders
* Keep the elbows stationary and only bring the weight as high as you can without moving the elbows.
* Continue to raise the weight until the biceps are fully contracted and the dumbbell is at
shoulder level. Hold the contracted position for a brief moment as you squeeze the biceps
* After the brief pause, inhale and slowly begin the lower the dumbbells back down to
 the starting position.
* Repeat for 3 sets of 10-15 reps.


* Set a weight that is comfortable on each side of the pulley machine,the amount of
weight selected is the same on each side.
* Adjust the height of the pulleys on each side and make sure that they are positioned at
 a height higher than that of your shoulders.
* Stand in the middle of both sides and use an underhand grip to grab each handle. palms
facing towards the ceiling . Arms should be fully extended and parallel to the floor with
the feet positioned shoulder width apart from each other.
* slowly squeeze the biceps on each side until your forearms and biceps touch.
* Move your forearms back to the starting position. Entire body should be stationary
  during this exercise except for the forearms.
* Repeat for the desired number of reps.

Preacher Curls

* To perform this movement you will need a preacher bench, Add appropriate weight on the barbell, and keep it in front bar rest provided by most preacher .
* The palm of your hands should be facing forward and they should be slightly tilted
  inwards due to the shape of the bar.
* Adjust the height of the seat such that your arm-pits rest near the top of the pad
 Keeping the upper part of the arms flat on the pad, grab the barbell, or preferably, ask someone to hand you the rod.
* Bring the rod up to your chest level. This will be the starting position
* Lower the barbell, till your arms are almost vertical and the biceps are fully stretched.
* Use the biceps to curl the weight up until your biceps is fully contracted and the bar is
  at shoulder height. Squeeze the biceps hard and hold this position for a second.
* Repeat for the desired number of reps.

Dumbbell Concentration Curls

This excercise can be done in a variety of ways: sitting, standing or in a kneeling position.

* In a standing position

 Feet should be shoulder width apart, bend over slightly grasp the dumbbell in one hand and  let your free arm rest.

* In a sitting position, sit on a flat bench with legs spread apart into a V and lean forward.
 Grasp dumbbell in one hand palm facing up with elbow on inside of knee if in standing  position, or on inside of thigh just above knee if sitting.
Slowly curl the dumbbell up towards the shoulder, while inhaling, keeping the torso and upper arm still. Twist your wrist as you lift so that your litter finger turns up towards your body Squeeze the bicep at the top for a one-count, and then slowly lower back down, while exhaling, to the starting position without locking the elbow at the bottom, then repeat.
After completing desired reps with one arm alternate with the other until desired sets have been completed.

In the sitting position

Sit comfortably on a gym bench with feet firmly placed on the floor
Grasp a dumbbell of suitable weight.
Spread your legs to the extent that you can rest the upper arm of the hand holding the dumbbell against the inner thigh on the same side. The dumbbell curl is performed using this support to concentrate tension in the biceps muscle for a better workout.
Brace the abdominal muscles, straighten the back, keep the head steady.
Curl the arm toward the chin.
Squeeze at the top of the movement.
Repeat for the desired number of reps.
Buy Arm Blaster and AMAZ Abs