Saturday, August 30, 2014

Amaz Abs

Using Ab Slings.

Abdominal slings come in pairs, one for each arm. You hang them overhead, so you may need to stand on a stool or box to reach them. Ab slings feature durable webbing designed to hold your elbows and upper arms.The lifting of your lower body puts major overload on your ab muscles and core. The results can be impressive, with major increases in ab and core strength possible. Assuming your body fat is low enough, hanging ab exercise are one of the quickest ways to six pack abs.

Note : Your abs should be fairly strong before attempting the exercises . Also, if you have any issues with the health of your back, you should be very cautious. As with any exercise routine, you should consult with your doctor before starting.


1. Hanging Knee Raises

* Place your arms through both amaz abs Strap. You should be hanging suspended, with your hips bent at 90 degrees.
* If your abs and back are strong, you can let your legs hang down completely.
* Using your lower abs, slowly roll your knees up toward your chest, curling your pelvis toward your rib cage.
* Exhale at the top of the lift, pause at the top, then inhale while slowly lowering back to the starting position. Don't let your legs hang straight down.
* Most of the movement should occur in your abs, with your pelvis rotating upward. Just lifting your knees up and down changes the emphasis from your abs to your legs.
* Keep your upper body stationary. There should be no swing in your body at all.
* Go SLOW. Don't use leg swinging. Control the movement on the way up and down.
* Repeat for 1-3 sets of 8-15 reps.

2.Hanging Double Knee Alternating Twists

* Place your arms through the hanging amaz abs Straps. You should be suspended in the air with legs hanging down, knees slightly bent. Keep your head up, eyes looking straight ahead.
* Using your lower abs, slowly roll your knees up, while rotating to the right in a diagonal movement.
* Aim your knees for the your right shoulder.
* Pause at the top, then slowly lower back to the starting position.
* Repeat the movement with a rotation to the left. Continue alternating side to side.

Note: Exhale as your knees come up to the top, inhale on the way down.
        - Keep your upper body stationary. Don't be swinging in the straps.
        - Don't swing your legs up. Use a slow and controlled movement on the way up and      

3. Hanging Single Knee Alternating Twists

* Place your arms through the hanging amaz abs Straps. You should be suspended in the air with legs hanging down, knees slightly bent. Keep your head up, eyes looking straight ahead.
* Using your lower abs, slowly lift your left knee, aiming your knee up towards your right shoulder diagonally.
* Lift as high as you can, while keeping your upper body stationary.
* Pause at the top, then slowly lower back to the straight hanging starting position.
* Repeat the movement with your right knee, twisting toward your left shoulder.
* Each single leg movement counts as a rep (5-20).

Note : Keep your upper body stationary. There should be no swing in your body at all.
            Keep the non-lifting leg hanging straight down, pointing the toes.
            Don't use leg swinging. Control the movement on the way up and down.

4.Hanging Knee Wipers

* Place your arms through the hanging amaz abs Straps. You should be suspended in the air with legs hanging down, knees slightly bent. Keep your head up, eyes looking straight ahead.
* Using your lower abs, slowly roll your knees up toward your chest, curling your pelvis toward your rib cage, up to where your hips are bent at about 90 degrees.
* While holding your knees up in the air, move your knees over to the right, and then all the way back over to the left.
* Repeat the movement going back and forth like a Windshield wiper.
*Each single leg movement counts as a rep (5-15).

Note : Keep your upper body stationary. There should be no swing in your body at all.
             Don't use leg swinging. Control the movement as you go side-to-side.

5. Hanging Full Leg Raises

* Place your arms through both amaz abs Straps.You should be hangingsuspended, with your your legs hanging down completely.
* Using your lower abs, slowly lift your legs up toward your chest, keeping your legs straight but with knees slightly bent.
* Lift your legs all the way up, with your feet going to the level of your hands, in a full pike position.
* Exhale at the top of the lift, then inhale while slowly lowering back to the starting position.
* Each single leg movement counts as a rep (5-15).

Note : Do not attempt this exercise unless you are highly conditioned.
             Don't use leg swinging momentum and fling your legs up. If you have to do that you    aren't strong enough to be doing this exercise. Control the movement on the way up and down.
Buy Arm Blaster and AMAZ Abs

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